Kenya Panoramic

Kenya Panoramic

Friday, March 18, 2011

a final effort to help..

Please, if you have time visit this link: 

A fellow volunteer, Hannah started this up. There is a contest for funding a volunteer project, and Gioto garbage slum is currently in 1st place! The winner will receive 5000 euro of funding for their project.  Please help keep us in first place. It takes about 2 minutes to sign up, and you can vote every day. It will mean so much to children and families who have so little if we are able to win this for them.

Thank you for your help and support.

Kyle and I fly to Europe tomorrow morning. It is a bit sad to be saying goodbye to Kenya. We have had such an amazing time here. I will try and do a better job describing it when I got home, but I hope this blog has served it's purpose. I hope everyone has been able to see a little bit of the situation at the two volunteer projects we were at, but also got to see the joy in the childrens faces, the beauty of this country's land and people.

Kwa Heri Kenya.

Goodbye Kenya.

-Kyle and Kate

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