Kenya Panoramic

Kenya Panoramic

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

a final farewell.

Well, we are down to our last couple of days in Canada...

We would like to say thank you again to our friends, family, and members of the community who gave so generously to support us in our trip to Kenya. We are so thankful for everyone in our lives, and feel so blessed to have so many people wishing us well on our travels. Some good news: we actually managed to fundraise above what Kyle and I need to cover our volunteering fees, so we will be using out extra $600.00 to get some supplies for the school and orphanage where we will be working.

Our last days will be spent packing Kyle's apartment, visitng friends and relatives, gathering some last-minute things to pack, and preparing ourselves mentally. If anyone still wants to say goodbye, We are in Carman today, Portage tomorrow, Carman on Thurs and Fri, and Winnipeg on Saturday.

We recieved an email recently from the program director in Kenya, and he has asked that if there is any extra room in our bags, that we might be able to bring some children's books, children's clothes, and other things that might be of need. So I think we'll gather a bunch of stuff to take and hopefully that will be helpful to the Kenyan communities that we will be in contact with. We will also be taking a box of supplies over for one of our friends (the daughter of one of my former co-workers) who was recently in Kenya with IVHQ. She has put together a box of supplies that she saw the need for during her visit.

So, as a final farewell, we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, and a safe and productive winter while we are gone. Feel free to add comments to our blog if you have anything to share with us, as we'll be updating as often as we can.

To our family and friends: we will miss you, and we love you. See you in the Spring.

Kwa Heri
(Goodbye in Swahili)

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